What We are Working On
Coming Features
Our mission is to Inform, Inspire and Empower Everyone to be Healthy by Choice. We want everyone to understand that chronic disease is not a normal part of life or “just getting older.” The CDC says “Chronic disease is the Leading Causes of Death and Disability in the United States. Chronic diseases and conditions—such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and arthritis—are among the most common, costly, and preventable of all health problems.” We want you to focus on “…and preventable of all health problems.” We designed the Self Care Awakening to give you the knowledge and the tools to help prevent chronic disease. There is an added bonus, you can be healthier by making simple choices.
At a health symposium, last year when speaking about “self care” retired RN Barb Satterwhite said, “What is really exciting here is the prevention piece. The medical profession is dealing with so much they need our help.” We can help by simply drinking more clean water. If we get the right amount of quality sleep, watch our weight and reduce our body burden (environmental toxicity).
To that end we want to share with you what we are working on and what you can look forward to in the coming months.
First, we want to change our look. You may have already noticed some subtle changes, for example, if you follow our Facebook and Twitter accounts you see a new banner. There will be changes to SelfCareHub.com over the coming months. We are updating our video content, new blog subjects and creating free downloads. Who doesn’t love freebies? We hope to organize the site by subject matter: water matters, sleep matters, weight matters and body burden matters. You can stay up-to-date by following us on Facebook (don’t forget to like our page), follow us on Twitter and Instagram. We update our social media channels with healthy choice content, daily, so tune in. We also hope to build a Pinterest page.
Pubs Sneak Peak
Second, we are very excited to announce we are publishing a magazine, entitled “Self Care Awakening!” The SCA zine is a 12 page, full color, glossy overview of each self care topic. We just approved the hard copy for print and it looks amazing. Dr. G is hard at work recording a companion video for the magazine (as I am typing, in fact) that will go on our YouTube channel.
Last but not least… we are publishing a Self Care Awakening book! The book dives deep into each SCA subject and what you can do to keep yourself and your family healthy. The book will available on Amazon. We will post a link once the book is published.
You can see that we will be very busy but, we will still get 7-9 hours of sleep at night, drink half of our body weight in water, watch our weight and maintain an exercise schedule while reducing our body burden by living in a wellness home. Together we will make 2018 our healthiest yet!