Healthy Kokoro
The Healthy Heart of Nikken
Heather and I recently attended the 30th Anniversary Celebration of Nikken in North America. It was a spectacular event, followed by the equally inspiring Aspire field event in Del Mar, California. Thank you to Nikken Corporate and Ben and Kim Woodward for hosting these incredible events.
One of the presentations we enjoyed most was the Heart of Nikken award. This is traditionally given to the person who has unselfishly contributed the most to the field. Our global president, Mr. Luis Kasuga started the presentation by describing two words for heart in Japanese. The first describes the actual organ in our body, shinzou. The word kokoro, refers to the emotional and feeling heart, our passion. Following a drum roll and a silent room of expectant consultants and guests waiting to hear who would receive this prestigious honor, Mr. Kasuga announced that, “the winner is……(dramatic pause), All of You”. All of us, how awesome! Everyone received a heart pin, a kokoro, inscribed with Be Nikken 30th Anniversary. This really exemplified the passion and enthusiasm that we all feel in sharing Nikken. This was put into context with recognition for Dr. John and Annette Jackson for achieving the rank of Diamond. As Annette said from stage, “Nikken products are too incredible to not share”. Dr. John added that it is “a moral obligation to share Nikken” and that “we all serve our way to the top”. Congratulations to Dr. John and Annette, well deserved recognition and rank advancement. They have always inspired me personally and the thousands of others they have served. Their passion and perseverance inspire us all.
At our closing Beach Party celebration, we had the opportunity to interview Dr. John and Annette. In the video they tell their story and reasons as to why Nikken and the Wellness Home has been an answer to prayer and a vehicle to empower others for better quality of life. As Annette says, “it’s a beautiful mission”.
Our kokoro is what drives us all. Our collaboration, sharing and servant leadership is what defines us and empowers us all to help anyone be Healthy by Choice and live a Life in Balance.
Of course every mission has to have an element of fun…
The Dread Pirate Dr. Gary
Sunset at the beach with friends. A healthy choice.