Healthy Finances w/ Gary Bolton
Meanwhile, back at the farm…
Gary on the Italy incentive trip.
This week’s Impetus is a synopsis of an interview with Diamond Nikken consultant Gary Bolton. Gary has a thriving Nikken business and is a great leader and mentor to us all. Much of Gary’s business focuses on digital marketing. This has been a very successful model for Gary and his many team members. Often, they lead the top retailer and top volume categories month to month. Many of us affectionately call Gary “The Professor” as a tribute to his knowledge and efforts in helping many of us share Nikken’s products, philosophy and business.
Here is Gary’s response to a few questions that Heather and posed to him recently.
What is your Nikken story?
I along with a couple of friends had decided to go to a local sports bar one Sunday to take in a game and enjoy a beer. We were having a great time, when something happened in the game that made my friend slap my shoulder. Normally that would not be a big deal but I had been having trouble with that shoulder for some time. I had been told by an Orthopedist that “I would never be without pain if I didn’t have an operation.” A Nikken distributor was in the bar and overheard my loud, unhappy outburst. She approached me and a conversation ensued. She asked for my card and we met for lunch the following week. She showed me a product explaining all the unique technologies. I laughed and told her I was very skeptical of her claims. She offered to lend me the product and would meet me a week later to retrieve it. If she hadn’t been so attractive, I do not believe I would have taken it home. I borrowed the product and took it home and had a tremendous product experience.
What is your favorite client story?
I did a presentation at a Gold’s gym. I did strength demonstrations with the Nikken PiMag water and our magnetic insoles during my presentation. I referenced a video by Curtis Bennett illustrating an increase in internal temperature of the feet using the insoles. A young man maybe 18 years old purchased a pair of insoles. About a year later I was in Walmart in the same town. I had noticed a group of people looking at me and I wondered why I was drawing their attention. When we passed in the aisle the elderly lady in the group grabbed, hugged, and was thanking me as she was crying. It turns out her husband, the grandfather of this young man was scheduled to have his foot amputated. They had used the insoles and credited them and me for avoiding the surgery and saving his foot.
What do you enjoy most about your Nikken business?
I love the freedom it provides me. Time is the most precious commodity we have. I can spend time as I see fit and not be a slave to an alarm clock or a regular job.
Why is the Nikken Wellness Home important?
The Wellness Home and all the other ideas and concepts it brings up will profoundly change the way you view taking care of yourself. The idea of reaching for a bottle of pills has become foreign to me. I believe the Wellness Home to be the very best strategy to live the concept of “Do no harm.”
What do you see in the future for your Nikken business via digital marketing?
I believe online marketing changes rapidly. What I did 10 years ago may not be as effective today. I am focusing on niche marketing web sites of one product, or a small group of products that target a well-defined audience. There are thousands if not hundreds of thousands of these niches we can market to.
What advice would you give to a new person just starting their Nikken business?
Do presentations to your warm market like your family and friends so you can learn. You will hear your sponsor when you do ABC’s and soon you will be repeating what you’ve heard. It’s important to do this prior to going online. There is this learning curve everyone goes through. Without going through this process you will not understand how powerful our product line is. Make a list! I think there are newer online ways to build your list that were not available when I started with Nikken. Whether you build a list offline or online, the advice is the same. Build a list and work the list.
Heather and I want to thank Gary Bolton for sharing his story, wisdom and guidance. Following his and other leaders’ advice is an important tool we can all use to help everyone be Healthy by Choice.