Bone Remodeling
One aspect of health that is often misunderstood or ignored is bone health. The skeletal system is the body’s second largest organ consisting of 206 bones in adults. Many people perceive our bones as a static, rigid structure when the exact opposite is true. Our bones are a dynamic organ that is a state of constant renewal and rebuilding. This is called bone remodeling.
The skeleton serves many physical and physiological functions. It provides structural support, movement and a protective armor for our vital organs. The bones are the site for production of red blood cells to deliver oxygen to our cells and produces white blood cells for a healthy immune system. Recent advances point to the skeleton as an endocrine organ that modulates glucose tolerance and testosterone production by secretion of a bone-specific protein, osteocalcin.
Our bones are the mineral bank for our entire body. All vital organs and tissues require minerals to be released from the bones daily. Our body’s organs receive calcium from the bones. For example, the heart needs 100 mg of bone calcium a day for steady beats. The brain needs 150 mg of bone calcium to keep sharp and our intestines require 600 to 900 mg of bone calcium daily.
Through the process of bone remodeling minerals are released from old bone by specialized cells called osteoclasts and new bone is replaced by bone builder cells, osteoblasts. Good bone health is a balance of this resorption of older bone and formation of new bone for stable and strong bones. Healthy bones are vital to our joints and our whole body.
Bone and joint health is a major problem in our society. The Surgeon General of the United States reported that astounding numbers of Americans have bone and joint issues. Twelve million have osteoporosis with 40 million having low bone mass (osteopenia) and 66 million with joint problems such as arthritis, cartilage loss and calcium deposits. That represents nearly 1/3rd of the population. The cost to U.S. society in 2004 was $840 billion dollars (JAMA, 2009).
The National Osteoporosis Foundation states that 54 million Americans have osteoporosis and low bone mass. Studies suggest that one in two women and one in four men age 50 or older will break a bone due to osteoporosis.
In December 2012, a study on the Global Burden of Disease and the worldwide impact of all diseases and risk factors found musculoskeletal conditions such as arthritis and back pain affect more than 1.7 billion people worldwide, are the second greatest cause of disability, and have the 4th greatest impact on the overall health of the world population when considering both death and disability. Bone and joint disorders account for more than one-half of all chronic conditions in people older than 50 years of age in developed countries, and are the most common cause of severe, long-term pain and disability.
You will not fall and break your bone
You will break your bone ...and fall
Osteoporosis is a silent disease because we don’t perceive our bones weakening. Breaking a bone is often the first sign of loss of bone density or osteoporosis. Osteoporotic bone breaks are most likely to occur in the hip, spine or wrist, but other bones can break too. Twenty percent of seniors who break a hip die within one year from complications related to the broken bone or the surgery to repair it. Many require long-term nursing home care.
Half of all Americans over the age of 50 are expected to have osteoporosis by 2020, according to the National Osteoporosis Foundation. While our bones naturally age as we do, there are things you can do to prevent osteoporosis and joint problems regardless of age.
Natural ways to help your bones and joints:
Exercise, particularly anything that uses your body's weight to move, can help build strong bones. I suggest walking, jogging or dancing.
Get some sunshine, at least 20 minutes a day for Vitamin D
Eat the right foods. Green leafy vegetables are calcium rich and alkalizing. Greens give you calcium but are also good sources of vitamin k, potassium, and other minerals and nutrients needed for healthy bones.
Avoid sodas and carbonated beverages. Limit caffeinated beverages and alcohol.
Drink half your body weight in ounces of water daily. Bones are 25% water. Being hydrated is one of the best things you can do for joint health.
Supplements can help.
Our Favorites!
Dr. Gary & Mr. Bones
Promote strong, healthy bones and enjoy natural probiotic benefits with the Nikken Bone Health Pack. For lifelong bone maintenance. This combination of products help support the body's ability to preserve bone density and assists in the preservation of joints and cartilage.
OsteoDenx is designed to promote both aspects of bone health— the release and absorption of mineral compounds, and the formation of new bone tissue. It can work to complement the body’s natural tissue growth. Kenzen Calcium Complex, an optimized blend of calcium and magnesium, and a source of vitamin D, vitamin K and folate, can help provide the materials needed for this bone regeneration. As bone health depends on the absorption of ingested minerals, Lactoferrin 2.0 serves as a digestion potentiator (a gastroferrin), and is lactose-free.
The High Potency CM Complex in Kenzen Joint is an advanced formulation that nutritionally supports collagen, bone and connective tissue repair. This formula has a high concentration of cetyl myristoleate and combines this with glucosamine, methylsulfonylmethane and compounds from the boswellia plant, which has long been used in Ayurvedic and other complementary practice. Cetyl myristoleate possesses natural surfactant and lubricant properties, in support of smooth joint movement.
Relief from surface soreness is essential for good health as well as comfort. It allows for greater mobility and can help improve quality of life at any age. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just a weekend warrior, Nikken CM Complex Cream can help soothe the discomfort that comes from living an active life. CM Complex is endorsed by the estate of Dr. H. W. Diehl, the National Institutes of Health researcher who discovered cetyl myristoleate.
Author: Gary Lindner, PhD