Self Care Awakening

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What is Earth Day, and Why?

On April 22, 1970, 20 million Americans took to the streets all across the country to protest environmental ignorance and demand change for an environment in crisis. The first Earth Day was a pivotal moment in advocating environmental agendas into the mainstream and forcing governments to act. In response to the first Earth Day, The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Clean Air, Clean Water Act, and the Endangered Species Act were established. This year marks the 51st anniversary of Earth Day.

Every year on April 22, Earth Day marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement.  Currently, Earth Day is observed in more than 190 countries. More than 1 billion people now participate in Earth Day activities each year, making it the largest civic observance in the world. For more information and the agenda of events this year visit

This year’s theme for Earth Day 2021 is “Restore the Earth”.

We must restore our earth not just because we care about the natural world, but because we and all living organisms inhabit it. Every one of us requires a healthy planet to support our health, survival, and happiness. A healthy Earth is not just a choice — it is a necessity.

Climate change and other environmental degradation have damaged our planet’s natural systems. While climate change and environmental pollution remind us of the harm we have caused, “Restore Our Earth” reminds us of the many opportunities we can do daily to help restore balance to our precious planet. Make every day Earth Day.

Simple Things to Do to Observe Earth Day.

Plant something.

Plant a tree or a few in your yard. Trees not only cool things down (collectively, they can help decrease a city’s temperature by up to 10 degrees) but they also clean the air and give off oxygen. Plant a garden. Growing your own fruits and vegetables will benefit your health and reduce the amount of fossil fuel emissions by not having to transport the food to stores. As the weather turns to spring, what better time to get outside (in the safety of your own backyards) and plant a flower or vegetable garden.

Get your produce from a local farmer’s market.

Food in the grocery stores travels an average of 1,500 miles to get to your store, resulting in an increase in fossil fuel consumption and carbon emissions as opposed to buying local and fresh. 

Ride your bike.

Find transportation alternatives that help reduce your carbon footprint but get you moving. The fewer cars on the road, the fewer carbon emissions polluting the air and contributing to global warming. Riding your bike or walking are two of the best options. If you don’t own a bike or know how to ride one, carpooling or public transportation are great options.

Buy reusable bags.

It is estimated that Americans use 100 billion plastic bags a year. The production of those bags requires about 12 million barrels of oil. Not to mention, they take up lots of space in landfills and cause major problems for marine wildlife in our oceans.

Invest in Reusable Straws and Water Bottles.

Just because you recycle your plastic water bottles doesn’t mean they're not hurting the environment. Besides the fact that it takes over 1.5 million barrels of oil to manufacture all of those bottles each year, there are still over two million tons of water bottles that have ended up in U.S. landfills. Buy a reusable bottle, preferably one that has a filter attached to it, so you will be getting healthy water. There are lots of options to choose from when it comes to re-useable straws.

Unsubscribe to catalogs.

Over 100 million trees are cut down each year to produce junk mail including catalogs and they usually end up being thrown away. Sign up for the free opt-out service at to help get your name off the mailing lists for all those unwanted pieces of mail.

The recent pandemic has united our world in many ways, reminding us of our connection as a global community and our responsibility to take care of each other, and our planet. Take action this Earth Day and every day to ensure a safe, healthy, and happy future for our planet and its inhabitants.

One of the things that fill me with an appreciation for our Nikken Global Wellness Community is our contribution to our communities and planet every day. As stated in our Vision 2025 our goal is to Live in Harmony with Nature.

Here are Ten ways Nikken’s Global Wellness Community helps protect Planet Earth.

1.     Nikken products are made from sustainable resources.                                                                         

 2.     Nikken uses recyclable packaging.                                                                                                            

 3.     Nikken promotes a reduced carbon footprint.                                                                         

 4.     Nikken sources and utilizes certified organic products whenever possible for our consumable product line. Reducing toxic chemical uses. True Elements, Nikken’s skincare line, is safe for the coral reefs. It is made from sustainable seaweed.                                              

5.    Nikken products are made of biodegradable materials, whenever possible.

6.     Nikken products reduce and eliminate single-use plastics.                                                         

7.     Nikken teaches/inspires a Global Community to teach others to reduce the use of plastics.           

8.     Most of the Nikken products are durable and last a long time so we are not adding to throw-away, disposable consumerism.

9.     Less water waste with the Nikken Waterfall over reverse osmosis filtration. Increased consciousness, lifestyle practices, and sharing of the Nikken Purpose and Mission as a “movement” by Global Community members to create a “shift” in the positive direction of the trajectory of not only sustaining but improving Planet Earth.                                                      

 10.  Nikken sources and works with companies that use alternative sources of power. Green power like solar, wind, and water.

So, there are ten ways that Nikken does its part for a healthier planet. I could have added many more. Let me give one good example for clarification. Our PiMag Waterfall and the PiMag Sports bottle are made from biodegradable materials. Most bottled waters use three gallons to produce one gallon of bottled water. Nikken’s water filtration products provide healthy water at a one-to-one ratio, thus conserving one of our most precious resources, water.

Drink Filtered Water to Reduce Bottled Water Use for Earth Wellness

How we recycle and reuse products directly impacts the environment. For example, about 1500 single-use plastic bottles end up in landfills or our ocean every second. Wow, there just went 1500 bottles. By using water filtration devices such as the PiMag Waterfall® and reusable drinking bottles such as the PiMag® Sports Bottle, this contemptible number can be reduced to help sustain our resources and the environment.

Our battle cry, Be Healthy by Choice, Not by Chance applies not only to our personal well-being but also to our planet. Nurture our Nature and the Nature of Our Planet.

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