Self Care Awakening

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Autumn Skincare Tips

Autumn Skincare Tips

By: Nikken

As daunting as the onset of colder weather may be, autumn is an ideal time to correct any summer skin damage that has occurred and to prepare for winter. So here are some tips on how to maintain a hydrated healthy complexion during autumn and the coming winter months when skin tends to lose moisture.

  1. To start the process of rebuilding dry, flakey skin resulting from sun, chlorine and saltwater, incorporate exfoliation into your skin regimen. Choose a scrub/exfoliant that sloughs off dead skin but is gentle and helps stimulate natural oil production. Use True Elements® Radiance Scrub once or twice a week to buff the skin. This gentle facial scrub helps remove dead skin cells and allow the seaweed extracts to help boost hydration and energize the skin.
  2. Do not use artificially fragrant soap on your face because they contain sulfates and other chemicals and dyes. Instead, use True Elements® Velvet Cleansing Milk. It doesn’t contain any synthetic fragrances, parabens, mineral oils, phthalates, artificial coloring or preservatives. You get a gentle cleanser that works with your natural pH balance and natural enriching oils that nourish the skin while removing impurities.
  3. Use a soothing mask that deeply nourishes the skin. True Elements® Nutritional Mask helps stimulate the synthesis of collagen that might have broken down with overexposure to the sun. Hyaluronic acid helps plump up the skin while seaweed extracts help re-energize to restore brightness.
  4. As the air becomes drier, be sure to use a cream-based moisturizer to help reduce water loss from the skin. True Elements® Nourishing Face Cream is specifically formulated to moisturize the upper epidermis and to help soften and smooth the skin.
  5. What goes in your body affects the appearance of the skin as well what goes on it. Make sure to drink lots of water. Always bring your PiMag® Sport Bottle  with you. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, lean proteins and healthy oils. Stay on the Active Wellness eating regimen. Remember, Everyday Weight Management is a lifestyle for a lifetime. Stay away from sugar as it’s known to be inflammatory and may adversely affect your skin as well.

Be Healthy by Choice and not by Chance

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